b'ARTEFACT 8 7 FLYING COLOURSThe Carnegie Standard, a custom flag, has flown since the days of Andrew Carnegie and still remains today, explains Victoria ConnorAT SKIBO, a unique flag flies across the estate, with Starsso that both nations were represented. He felt that this and Stripes on one side and a Union Jack on the other.unconventional union not only conveyed his personal The history of this vexillological anomaly is fascinating.identity, but also spoke to the deep connection between Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland, butthe two countries.emigrated to America at the age of 12. While he neverWhen Carnegie came to Skibo in 1898 he brought forgot his homeland, he embraced his adopted nationhis flag with him. It is said that he sought and gained wholeheartedly. And so, when summering at Cluny Castlethe permission of both the reigning monarch and in the Scottish Highlands in the 1880s he was presentedUS president to display the Carnegie Standard, with an irreconcilable choice when asked what flag shouldas it came to be known. No record of the request has be raised to signal his residence. His decision wouldbeen found, but we can be sure that they were indeed proclaim his allegiance for all to see, but how to choose? aware of the flag: both King Edward VIII and future Chris TubbsCarnegie, in typical style, thought outside the box.president Woodrow Wilson crossed Skibos threshold Why pick just one, when he could have both? Carnegieas guests of Carnegie, while his dual-sided flag ordered that the two flags should be sewn together,fluttered proudly above. '