b'TRAVELLeft: Skibo provides children with a natural playground. Below: Christmas at Skibo attracts families of all ageslong enough to have had the privilege of watching as those members children grow from infants to young adults, before returning to the Club with children of their own.The draw for this second generation of Skibo-ites is clear to Murray. Our members want to share Skibo with the people they love, because its a place that they have cherished memories of, and they want their loved ones to enjoy the same.And for the children who visit, each year brings a new opportunity. It becomes a sort of rite of passage to come to Skibo and be allowed to try something new, Murray says. They look forward to the milestones at the Club, like being able to drive a golf cart, join the hosted dinner, or stay in the castle.Milestones of another kind are also at entertained by a variety of toys andHOLIDAYS E EASTER,the heart of many family gatherings at Skibo, equipment, from board games and musicalfrom birthdays and anniversaries to reunions0 2instruments to a sunken trampoline. ButLIK and weddings. for most, its the activities out on theIn the time that Ive been here at 8,000-acre estate that foster the bondsHALLOWEEN ANDSkibo, Ive witnessed so many special and create the core memories that makeCHRISTMAS ALSOmoments, says Ashleigh Jedan, Assistant a visit to Skibo so special.Club and Events Manager. From intimate Watching the children run aroundPROVIDE A POPUL ARgatherings of six people who have been collecting leaves on a scavenger hunt, orBACKDROP FOR MANYseparated by continents and finally reunite building a campfire to roast marshmallowshere in the Highlands to mark a significant over is really lovely, says Carole. And so,GET\x1cTOGETHERS date, to the most elaborate celebrations that too, is watching as, at the end of the day,involve 200 guests, marquees in the castle parents and grandparents arrive at the Barn grounds and entertainers flown in from to pick up their young charges and are metacross the globe. No matter the difference with excited retellings of their adventuresin scale, though, what these events share is and exploits. a real sense of joy.Theres something really authenticHolidays like Easter, Halloween and about a childhood spent outdoors, saysChristmas also provide a popular backdrop Managing Director Gary Gruber. Havingfor many get-togethers, with themed grown up in the Highlands, I have suchprogrammes and activities such as egg hunts fond memories of running around within the walled garden, buggy decorating, and my friends, climbing trees and skimmingvisits from Father Christmas and his reindeer Oskar Gyllenswrd; Amy Murrellstones and just enjoying being out inthat families can enjoy together and become naturebeing able to provide that naturalcherished traditions.playground here at Skibo for our membersThe rise in the popularity of multi-children and grandchildren is somethinggenerational travel demonstrates a renewed that I am very proud of. appreciation of the fact that time is precious, The Clubs longest-serving colleagues,and time spent with the people we love like Members Liaison Emma Murray whoeven more. Where better to do so, then, has been at Skibo since 1997, have been therethan Skibo? '