b'CRAFTSMANSHIPTHE CNEGIE ARCLUB IS COMMITTED TO MAINTAINING THE INTEGRITY OF ITS HISTORIC BUILDINGS 0 6 the shooting stands at the new clay range atAbove: the Skibo masonsArtisan skills like heritage masonry are Overskibo. Of their recent projects, perhapsundertook much of thesadly a dying art, says Gruber. But they are the most impressive is their work on Homestonework at Home Farm essential for the preservation of historic Farm, the Clubs newest lodge. Below: serving platters craftedbuildings like Skibo. Conscious of the need Part of the old Home Farm range,from marble o cuts to preserve this vital expertise, the Club has the conversion of this empty shell into arecruited two Modern Apprentices in beautifully appointed three-bedroomStonemasonry. The qualification is delivered accommodation was a labour of love. Theby Historic Environment Scotland in team undertook much of the specialist workpartnership with the University of the with painstaking dedication. They removedHighlands and Islands, and sees the the 150-year-old decaying lime and mortar,apprentices employed at Skibo combining raking between each brick by hand. Theytraining with on-the-job experience.replaced the crow steps, repaired theThe Carnegie Club is committed to chimney, and built the new window dormersmaintaining the integrity of its historic and vestibule, which was hand-tooled tobuildings and designed landscape. Whether marry with the stone of the castle.sensitively conserving or faithfully In the workshop at Overskibo, giantaugmenting with new additions, the Club sheets of Arabescato\x1fmarblechosen tois not only aware of its responsibilities to match the marble found in the castlewerethis special place, but embraces them. transformed into the kitchens bullnose-edgedMontgomery notes, These buildings were worktop and wall panels for the showers inhere long before us, and thanks to the work the lodges three en-suite bathrooms. Offcutsof our team today, they will be here for many were saved, cut, shaped and polished toyears more. Each day, we are preserving Skibo become soap dishes, chopping boards andfor the next generation. That, like the skills serving platters for use on the Clubhousesof the Clubs team of artisans, is something salad bar.to be admired. '