b'THE CARNEGIE CLUBWHILE ANDREW CARNEGIES moneyand cars for delivering visitors to the railwayEverrati was founded in 2019 by former enabled him to carry out a majorstation. But living up to his nickname offintech entrepreneur Justin Lunny, who refurbishment of Skibo Castle in 1898, heLittle Boss, Carnegie produced a set of rulesoriginally called it Ionic before Hyundai didnt become one of the wealthiest men infor motormen that forbade travelling atcomplained that the name was too close to history by ignoring modern technology. Hespeeds above 20mph anywhere on or nearits own Ioniq model. His decision to start embraced Bessemer steel soon after thethe estateeven if it should mean thatelectrifying classic cars stemmed firstly from process to produce it was perfected in theguests will miss their train. As 20mphseeing the newly wed Prince Harry drive mid-19th century, and the resultant materialsbecomes the norm in many of Britainshis bride away from Windsor Castle in an enabled industrialists to build tallerbuilt-up areas, the far-sighted Carnegie couldelectrified Jaguar E-Type Zero.buildings, construct longer bridges and forgebe forgiven for saying I told you so, wereLunny had already concluded that stronger rail tracks. he still with us today. something technically better could be So its not surprising that he was amongAnd he would certainly have beenachieved, but he was further moved to the first to appreciate the benefits of electricimpressed by the return of electric vehiclesestablish his own electric-car business by his automobiles when they began to hit the roadsto Skibo Castle in the form of the drivingyoung daughters anxiety about the future of in the 1900s, quickly deciding to augmentdays being organised by the team fromthe planet. Unlike many others in the classic Skibos teams of horse-drawn carriages withEverrati, an Oxfordshire firm specialisingconversion game, Lunny determined that a fleet of battery-powered cars. Carnegiein future-proofing classic cars by convertingEverrati cars would be designed and built selected one of his most trusted coachmenthem to battery power. from the ground up, rather than simplythe aptly named James Rideoutas SkibosAlong with a few other businesses inhaving their petrol engines ripped out and first chauffeur, despatching him to Glasgowsthe vehicle electrification world, Everratireplaced with battery packs.Argyll Motor Works to learn how to driveHQ is based at the former Upper HeyfordTo that end, much initial development before bringing an electric car back towartime RAF base, which later became thewas carried out with the help of top automotive the estate and imparting his new-foundhome of Americas European F-111 strikeengineer Mike Kerr. Hed gained invaluable knowledge to his colleagues. force. When the US Air Force departedexperience working for Cosworth Racing Soon, there was an impressive line-upin 1994, they left behind the vast aircraftin the 1990s, before moving to McLaren as of electric vehicles at the disposal ofshelters (one of which Everrati is now basedhead of its powertrain and driveline division, employees and guests, including an omnibusin) and, usefully, a couple of three-mileafter which he spent two years with Lotus 2 9 for transporting staff to church in Dornochrunways that make perfect test tracks. developing the all-electric Evija. FUTURE CLASSICEverratis approach to future proofing classic cars using cutting-edge technology is in line with Andrew Carnegies progressive world view, as Simon de Burton discovers'