b'THE CARNEGIE CLUB 75 correct style or right artist if it doesnt fitTheres more to Skibos collection than animal the feel of the castle, says Crome. paintings, of course. The Club has added And so, each new painting is carefullya number of landscapes, such as the charming considered. Robert Cleminsons Waiting forWilliam Miller Frazer in the Morning Room, the Ferry, which hangs in the corridorto its holdings. This oil was chosen not only between the Great Hall and the Card Room,for its subject, which depicts a figure on was chosen because it married well with thea punt framed by towering trees, but to Highland landscapes and animal paintingscomplement the George Weatherbee oil of that Carnegie was so fond of. Members donta bather by a woodland pool that hangs above have to search the castle long to find one ofthe fireplace.his many works depicting rugged sheep andWhatever the subject, any painting Highland cattle. purchased by the Club has one final piece of Perhaps the most beloved piece fromcriteria to meet: It has to brighten the room, that original collection, however, features ait has to singbut not too loudly, Crome says. rather more domesticated subject. WilliamAnd so, The Carnegie Club continues to John van HelvertAbove: RobertWalls The Twa Dogs in Mrs Carnegies Diningcurate the Skibo collection with a careful Cleminsons Waiting forRoom was commissioned by Carnegie in thebalance of logistical considerations, innate the Ferry is just one of the many paintings at Skiboearly 1900s and features two of his favouriteunderstanding of art history and a healthy to feature animals rough collies, Cluny and Rannoch. dose of intuition. '