b'Previous page: woodland archery at Overskibo. Clockwise, from left: mountain biking across the moor; fresh-water paddleboarding; Skibos Sporting Activities Manager, Michael GallonT he American Transcendentalist Henry Davidresembles the treehouse chalet of the Swiss Family \x1f Thoreau once wrote that we need the tonicRobinson. It is not only a hub for those activities of wildness in our lives. Though he was thinkingpreviously hosted at the Skibo Range, as well as a raft24 specifically of his home on Walden Pond in 1840sof new experiences, but also a space where members Massachusetts, that sense of the restorative powercan relax and socialise. of nature is universal. The Treehouse brings the outdoor activities The Skibo estate extends to 8,000 acres, stretchingprovision at Skibo to a whole new level, Waugh explains. from the shores of the Dornoch Firth at its southernNot only have we added guided mountain biking, periphery to broad swathes of moorland at Overskibopaddleboarding and canoeing to our roster, but in to the north. It is so expansive that even with a full houserelocating to Overskibo weve been able to place the of 100 guests, members would still have 80 acres apiece.archery, axe throwing, clays and air rifle shooting ranges Should you seek solitude in which to engage within the most amazing setting.the natural world, you will not be found wanting at Skibo.Indeed, just a few minutes walk from the Treehouse, If, however, you prefer to challenge your frontier spirit,members will find new areas dedicated to each of these the Club takes full advantage of its Highland terrainpursuits, offering a more intimate, immersive experience and diverse landscape to offer myriad activities andthan previously. Rather than the open parkland that the experiences in its parkland, forests, hills and lochs. archery range was set in, for example, guests will draw Amanda Waugh, Head of Activities and Wellbeingtheir bow surrounded by swathes of silver birch. Shooting, at the Club, notes that as a result of its size, there are huge expanses of the estate where members rarely venture, and so miss out on some of Skibos most beautiful spots. At Overskibo in particular, where the estate is wilder, theres natural moorland, water features, woodland and wildlife.To make the most of this natural playground, and to encourage guests to discover parts they have perhaps never visited, in spring 2024 the Club launched a new base for outdoor activities: the Treehouse at Overskibo.It is, as the name suggests, an elevated structure set in among Overskibos woodland. Spacious and open plan, with wrap-around exterior decking offering incredible views of the surrounding environment, it'