b'The Clubs two-seater all-terrain vehicles o er a fun way to enjoy the full scope of the estateFor those who prefer to propel themselves along on twoJust a 10-minute drive from the castle you can find wheels, the Club has a selection of bicycles available toancient peat banks, traces of the Scots pine stumps that borrow. With frames to suits all ages, its an activity thatwere felled 6,000 years ago, and even the unmistakable the whole family can enjoy together. And with electricoutline of the remains of Bronze Age structures through bikes also available, even the less mobile can enjoythe heather. It really is incredible.whizzing around the estate.If youre looking to try something different, the Clubs There are gentle lowland trails that weave betweenactivities team now offers paddleboarding and canoeing. the castle and Clubhouse, but for those who seekFrom the lochans at Overskibo to the fresh water of Loch something more challenging, Tom Wade, Skibos ActivitiesEvelix and the tidal Poll na Caorach, Skibo offers a huge and Adventure Manager, has mapped out a range of newvariety of options for watersports enthusiasts. The joy of trails at Overskibo. These cross-country routes traversehaving so many bodies of water to choose from is that you the moor, he says. You can cycle for miles past hiddencan go out three or four times during your stay and never lochs and neolithic stone circles and never see a soul.venture out onto the same water twice, says Wade. There are four-wheeled options for exploration, too.And for those who fancy venturing further afield, For those who like to feel the wind in their hair, the Clubsthe team can guide you on waterways off the estate. We fleet of two-seater all-terrain vehicles offers everythingcan head to Loch Migdale with a picnic, or start at Rosehall from a scenic lowland trek around the estates perimeterand paddle down the Kylethe possibilities are endless.to a thrilling rally through the forests of Overskibo. From classic country pursuits to adrenaline-fuelled And should you want to explore the estate from theoutdoor adventure, Skibos estate is sure to delight even the comfort of one of the Clubs vehicles, Gallon is on hand tomost committed urbanite, its 8,000-acres just waiting to escort you. Having worked at Skibo since 1997, he is wellbe explored and enjoyed by guests young and old. As Henry placed to guide guests to the estates hidden corners andDavid Thoreau wisely observed, We can never have enough reveal some of its secrets. The moor, imbued with history,of nature. Those words have never been more true, it seems, is one of his favourite destinations. than at Skibo.'