b"CRAFTSMANSHIP\x1fT he foundations of Skibo date back toTilbury utilises his incredible skills, honed the 1200s and, while nothing remainsover decades, to care for the furniture that of that medieval structure abovehas been used and loved at Skibo for more ground, much of its stonework dates backthan a century. That includes invisible repairs centuries, and the castles historic interior is to the grand oak table in Mr Carnegiesa testament to late-Victorian craftsmanship.Dining Room, at which guests at Skibo have At Skibo, the castle, its terraces, thesat down to their evening meal since the early walled garden and glasshouses are all1900s; the coal box adorned with the familiar category-A listed structures, explains Thethistle motif that can be found throughout Carnegie Clubs Managing Director Garythe castle; and the leather-bound armchairs THE C'S TEAMGruber. The swimming pool is category-B,in the library where members can settle with as are Ospisdale, Dairy and Whitfielda book plucked from its shelves.Cottages. We have an obligationbothTilburys talents extend beyond repair, LUB statutory and moralto care for thesehowever. He has also designed and built a OF ARTISANS IShistoric buildings and preserve what it isnew Hosts Desk for the Great Hall. Crafted in that makes Skibo so special. quarter-sawn oak using traditional methods, RESPONSIBLE FOR ANTo keep the castle and its environs init boasts raised and fielded panels and ONGOING PROGRAMMEimmaculate condition, the Clubs dedicatedbeautiful detailing so that it fits seamlessly team of artisanswho Chairman Peteralongside the existing furniture of the castle. OF CONSERVATION Crome calls magic makersis responsibleRepairs to the castles parquet floors are for an ongoing programme of conservation,undertaken by Schleter, who hand-cuts therestoration and sensitive replacement. replacement pieces so that old and new are Skibo Castle is a grand example ofindistinguishable. He has also been kept Scottish Baronial style. From the oak parquetbusy recently with the Clubs glasshouse floors across which some of historys greatestrestoration project. The complex of figures have walked, to the pitch pine wallsMackenzie & Moncur structures dates from8 5of the Gun Room imbued with a century ofthe early 1900s, but the ensuing century left smoke, the ambience is truly unique. these greenhouses in disrepair and so the Taking care of Skibos historic woodworkClub undertook an extensive restorationunder the direction of Head of Property,programme. The Melon House, Tomato James Montgomeryare David Tilbury andHouse, Strawberry House and Vinery have Chris Schleter, supported by their colleaguesnow been returned to their former glory, in the maintenance department. and work on the Rose Walk is underway. Schleter has carefully removed each of its Burmese teak window frames, repairing and conserving these precious original features so that they can be returned to the refurbished structure.It is not only the estates woodwork that requires specialist attention: its stone is cared for by a team of expert masons and apprentices headed by Bruce Shelley. Together, they manage the ongoing conservation, routine maintenance, and replacement of stone across the estates buildingsboth historic and contemporaryand its landscape. With 8,000 acres populated by both historic and modern buildings, as well as dry stone dykes, paving and more, this is a huge task and they undertake everything from sculpting replacement sandstone balustrades for the garden terrace staircase and hand-tooling Caithness stone signage, to building"