b'west coast for a 66-mile coast-to-coast cycle back to Skibo for much-needed massages and ice baths in the spa. On the second day the group completed a 46-mile Highland loop, taking in spectacular views of Ben Hope and some challenging hill climbs before a well-deserved champagne celebration at the finish line. CULTUREItaly was the location of two very special member trips Clockwise from top:WALKINGhosted by Peter Crome and Emma Murray in 2023. In Norways spectacularBack in Scotland, Skibos Martin Treacher led two walkingJune, they travelled to Tuscany to witness the spectacle and northern lights;breaks in 2023. In April, members headed to Caithness,pageantry of the worlds most thrilling horse race, the Palio cycling back to Skibovisiting Britains most northerly point, Dunnet Head, anddi Siena, from the comfort of a palazzo above the square.6 6for massages and champagne; exclusivewalked part of the John o Groats trail. They also madeLast year also marked the centenary of the Arena di experiences havea stop a Dunnet Bay Distillery, where Skibos GlasshouseVerona opera season, and so at the end of August, Peter and included a private visitGin is crafted. Emma returned to Italy to host members on a three-night to the impressive newIn October, he guided members on a walk through thetrip to Verona where they stayed at the charming LAlbereta Macallan Distillery forests of Fyrish Hill before descending to reach Black RockRelais & Chteaux and enjoyed open-air performances of Gorge, a spectacular natural feature which appeared inPuccinis Tosca and Madama Butterfly at the citys iconic Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. On the second dayRoman amphitheatre. of the break, the walkers journeyed from Cromdale to Boat of Garten, finishing their expedition with champagne andEXPERIENCES a ride on a vintage train along the Speyside Railway line. The Club also arranges exclusive experiences with partners In 2024, Martin will lead two new walking breaks:and friends. The biannual Highland Tour, for example, a coast-to-coast crossing from Ullapool to Bonar Bridge inhas included private visits to the new 140m Macallan spring, and two days exploring the Highlands rivers andDistillery in Speyside, and to Johnstons of Elgin in Moray.beaches in the autumn.In 2023, the Club was joined by prestigious jeweller Garrard over the August Bank Holiday and Thanksgiving CYCLINGweekends. Members enjoyed gemmology masterclasses and Also starting in Ullapoolthough following a differentwere able to augment their eveningwear with pieces on loan routewere the members taking part in Skibos inauguralfrom Garrards collection. In November, members were also cycling event last spring. They were joined by Olympianinvited to afternoon tea at their flagship store in Mayfair.and Tour de France multiple-stage-winner Dan MartinIn Edinburgh, esteemed Scottish jeweller and on the first day, as they travelled by helicopter to Scotlandssilversmith Hamilton & Inches invited members to go behind the scenes at its magnificent showroom to watch its specialist craftspeople at work in their workshops. For further information on upcoming members trips Simon Biffenand experiences, please contact your personal reservations assistant on +44 (0) 1862 894 600 or email reservations@carnegieclub.co.uk'