b'TRAVEL THE CARNEGIE CLUBThis page: fitness performance expert Harry Jameson. Opposite: kick-start your metabolism with a morning jogT H E A R T O F T R AV E LHannah Rogers calls for a return to the style and craftsmanship of the luggage brands synonymous with the golden age of travel 0 8A\x1d wardrobes. For this purpose, Vuitton is 8 1 ccording to TS Eliot, it is the journey, not the arrival, that matters. I wouldcredited with making the first slatted trunk, challenge the 20th-century poeta product that soon became synonymous to stand by that statement were he to laywith travel in the 19th century.eyes on an airport luggage carousel today.In the early 1900s, the most popular Mass-produced plastic shells, sometimesway to travel was by steam-powered ocean wrapped in clingfilm; battered gap-yearliner, albeit still for a very small portion rucksacks; even a suitcases actual contentsof society. Journeys by boat were long and arriving in dribs and drabs, followed by thebecame social occasions in themselves; faulty device in question. For the modernas such, passengers would take multiple traveller, not all suitcases are created equal.outfits and accessories on board, and the Is this what Louis Vuitton could haveluggage that encased them became a status predicted when, aged 16, he astutely set outsymbol in itself. Suitcases were, essentially, to become a trunkmaster? That was in 1837.stand-up wardrobes capable of hanging Back then, travel was only for aristocrats.clothes in. The best were also waterproofed Young men made their way around Grandusing canvas or tree sap. The house of Tours of Europe (the original gap year)Moynat pioneered this in 1854, creating followed by horse-drawn carriages full ofthe first waterproof suitcase from canvas trunks. Steam trains and boats were justcoated with gutta-percha, a new vegetal starting to gain traction as modes of transport.gum from Indonesia. Packing was an event in itself, and mostPragmatic as this sounds, it is easily of those wealthy enough to travel in the firstovershadowed by the sheer volume of luggage TopFoto / Roger-Violletplace could also afford to hire craftsmen likepassengers had in tow, which would have Vuitton to do it for them; each item had itsbeen impossible to transport without the own individual leather creation to protect ithelp of butlers and valets. Globe-Trotters from the elements. There was no such thing as1912-13 product catalogue gives a wonderful packing light. There were certainly no capsuleoverview of the packing paraphernalia'