Carnegie Club Blog

Skibo castle

Christmas Cooking Tips from the Skibo Chefs Part Six: Eddie’s Boxing Day Leftovers Recipe

Posted: 18 December 2019

It is a truth universally acknowledged that you will always cook too much food on Christmas day. And so, up and down the nation, families sit down on Boxing Day to either a second Christmas dinner or the ubiquotous turkey curry. If you fancy something a little different that is simple and quick to whip up, then Eddie Brown’s recipe for roast parsnip soup and a Christmas club sandwich is sure to sate your appetite.

Eddie orignally hails from Orkney, and has worked in kitchens since the age of fourteen. He joined The Carnegie Club in Febuirary this year as Chef de Partie, helping to create the delicious dishes enjoyed by members in the castle each evening.

Eddie Brown, Chef de Partie at The Carnegie Club

Eddie Brown, Chef de Partie at The Carnegie Club

“This is a recipe I make a lot at home,” says Eddie. “In my family, we actually have our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve because on Christmas Day we take part in the ba’ in Kirkwall and then tuck into the leftovers when we get home in the evening.”

For non-Orcadians, the ba’ is a tradition that dates to before records began and involves two teams of up to 400 men from the town – the uppies and the doonies – racing the through the historic streets of Kirkwall trying to get a handcrafted ball from the Mercat Cross in the centre to goal – for the uppies that it the site of the (now long-gone) town gates, and for the doonies the sea.

Games have been known to last up to five hours, so it’s hardly surprising that Eddie’s preferred leftovers recipe is quick and easy and will be just as welcome and warming whether you have been running through the streets of Kirkwall after a football for several hours in the biting cold or battling the crowds at the high street sales…

Unlike the other recipes in this series, there are no quantities in Eddie’s recipe – use what leftover you have and feel free to adapt to substitute or add ingredients depending on what you have in your fridge.


Roast Parsnip Soup


Leftover roast parsnips
Leftover roast carrots (optional)
Leftover roast onions (optional)
Parsnip peelings (kept from Christmas day)
Turkey or vegetable stock
Double cream
Crème fraiche (to taste)
Handful chopped chives


  1. In a saucepan, place your leftover roast parsnips as well as roast carrots and onions, if using.
  2. Add enough stock to cover the vegetables completely.
  3. Bring to a boil and then simmer for around 5 minutes – the vegetables have already been cooked so it won’t take long.
  4. Remove from the heat and blitz.
  5. Stir in the double cream – how much you use will depend on how much soup you have made so taste it as you go.
  6. Take the washed and dried parsnip peelings and shallow fry at approximately 150°C / 302°F until golden brown. Drain and season with salt.
  7. Top your plated bowl of soup with a dollop of semi-whipped crème fraiche, a sprinkling of chives and parsnip crisps.

Christmas Club Sandwich

Makes one sandwich


3 slices granary bread
Roast turkey slices
Leftover stuffing
Cranberry sauce
Lettuce (shredded)
Tomato (sliced)


  1. Toast the bread and allow to cool.
  2. Spread the toast lightly with butter.
  3. On a slice of toast, thinly layer the lettuce, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and tomato, and then add a second slice of toast and repeat. Finish with the final slice of toast.
  4. Enjoy with a bowl of Eddie’s roast parsnip soup!

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