Carnegie Club Blog
Posted: 20 December 2017
Every season at Skibo is special, but Christmas at the club is truly exceptional. Over the Christmas period, bedecked in its festive adornments the castle is transformed into the most magical of settings, the air heavy with the enticing scents of warming mulled wine and sweet pastries. To complement the usual Skibo fun – a round on the Carnegie Links, falconry on the castle lawn, a luxurious treatment in the Skibo Spa, an exhilarating quad bike ride around the estate, or archery lessons with one of our expert instructors at the range, for example – members also enjoy some very special seasonal activities over the Christmas weekend. The Children’s Barn have a fantastic programme of events planned, with seasonal games and activities like make your own decorations, volleyball at the Skibo Pool, decorate a gingerbread man, a mini Segway obstacle course and more to keep our littlest members entertained.
On Christmas Eve there is Santa Spotting on the castle lawn, as members young and old look for Father Christmas to make a recce to Skibo before the big delivery overnight. There’s a festive sing-song with one of the club’s resident musicians and for those who wish to attend Watchnight Service, transport will take them to nearby Dornoch Cathedral, and on their return Skibo’s famous hot chocolate will be served (with a generous slug of Baileys, for those who are so inclined!) before the night owls retire to bed ahead of the festivities the following morning.
Members can look forward to the annual visit from Santa Claus…
Christmas Day sees a visit from Santa who delivers presents to the children before a spectacular Christmas lunch is served amidst the baronial splendour of Mr Carnegie’s Drawing Room. After enjoying a festive feast of roast turkey, oatmeal stuffing, duck fat roast potatoes, chipolatas and the rest of the traditional trimmings, members may wish to retire for a post-lunch nap. For those who remain awake, they might choose to enjoy a refreshing walk through the Skibo gardens with the family, relax in the castle’s historic library with a book or head down to the Gun Room where the Queen’s Speech will be shown.
If anyone has any room, cake and tea will be served throughout Christmas afternoon, and that evening members can enjoy cocktails and a buffet dinner before the annual Christmas Quiz in the Drawing Room.
Christmas Lunch at Skibo is a spectacular – and delicious – occasion!
On Boxing Day members can get active with a guided walk through the estate, take part in the Mock Hunt at the Stables or compete in the Stableford golf competition on the Carnegie Links. If, however they prefer to have a lazy morning to recover from the excesses of the day before, that is an option too! That evening, the (in)famous Skibo pantomime will be performed, with some familiar faces from the club treading the boards. After a delicious dinner, members will dance the night away in the Great Hall to the sounds of a live band.
Christmas at The Carnegie Club is like nothing else, and – as with every year – we look forward to sharing the seasonal Skibo magic with our members.
As 2018 begins, we look ahead at the Club Calendar to discover what the year ahead holds for members at Skibo.
Work begins on the restoration of the Vinery, one of a complex of Victorian glasshouses undergoing careful conservation and renovation in order to restore them back to their former glory.